US 441 Roadway Redesign and Resurfacing, Orange County, FL


FDOT D5, DeLand, FL


Stand-Alone Design




Orange County


Design Completed October 2022 – on Schedule
Construction Scheduled for November 2024


US 441 was last resurfaced in 2009. By 2022, this 4-lane divided rural roadway was in poor condition. The asphalt pavement needed to be resurfaced to extend the service life, and an intersection needed safety improvements. The CR 500A intersection had a history of fatal crashes. The skewed intersection geometry led drivers to make turns at the intersection too quickly - without pausing long enough to judge the speed of oncoming drivers on this high-speed roadway. To make the intersection safer, the Bayer United team recommended shifting the intersection to create a traditional “T” layout to force drivers to come to a complete stop before turning, allowing more time to look and determine when they could safely make the turn.

US 441 Design Graphic CR500a
Intersection Before Improvements - Roadway Before Resurfacing


  • Mill and resurface existing lanes and shoulders
  • Re-align travel lanes
  • Widen for bicycle keyholes and roadway shoulders
  • Add new sidewalks
  • Improve drainage
  • Improve pedestrian safety
  • Address a merge lane with a crash history
  • Signalization, signing, and pavement markings

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