Tim Easley, PE, has experience in many facets of transportation design, including new construction, widenings, rehabilitation projects, and intersection improvements. He enjoys working with others to create innovative designs and learning new methods and strategies to improve his engineering skills.
Project Experience
Tim’s project experience includes major roadway reconstruction projects, such as widening from two lanes to four lanes, and minor design projects, including intersection improvements, resurfacing, sidewalks, and trail projects. These projects involve safety improvements, drainage improvements, SPM, signalization, lighting, structures, geotechnical, environmental impacts, permitting, traffic control, specifications, quality control, and post-design services.
Tim’s project roles include Roadway Design, Roadway Engineer, TTCP Roadway Engineer, TTCP Engineer of Record, TTCP Design Engineer, and Deputy Project Manager.
Professional License
Professional Engineer, FL, #92469, 09/30/2021
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) 2015
University of South Florida (USF)
Certifications/Special Training
- Temporary Traffic Control (TTC): Advanced Course
- American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
- American Society of Civil Engineers USF Student Chapter (ASCE USF Student Chapter)
- Florida Transportation Builders’ Association, Inc. (FTBA)
- Transportation & Expressway Authority Membership of Florida (TEAM FL)
When he is not on the clock, Tim enjoys traveling, spending time with family, and enjoying the outdoors!
Alma mater